Phil Mitchell Has Been Fined After Being Caught Speeding On His Moped



Phil Mitchell – and the man that plays him Steve McFadden – is a national treasure and it’s well known that he often chooses to buzz around the streets on his moped during the days when he’s not filming as the East End’s resident hard man.

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Sadly for Steve though, his celebrity status doesn’t mean anything when it comes to the long arm of the law, as he was caught speeding on his beloved moped back in October and has now been fined £580 for his troubles. He also received five points on his licence, after he was picked up doing 35 mph in a 20 mph zone near his house in North London. Naughty.

PC Jonathan Steinhof was the man who caught McFadden with his speed gun and who also decided to take the unusual step of releasing his own statement about the matter following the court hearing last Thursday:

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I was stationary when I saw a blue Piaggio Vespa travelling along.

The vehicle was overtaking other vehicles that appeared to be doing the speed limit.

There is video evidence relating to this incident.

Way to sound like a complete and utter narc there Steinhof. I get that he was doing his job, but nobody is going to think that he’s cool for pulling over Phil Mitchell on his moped and fining him and then also making a statement about it on top of that just to get his name out there. When else do cops end up giving statements about routine traffic offences? Wouldn’t be surprised if he turned out to be one of those problematic incel police officers that everyone seems to be talking about in the Met these days.

Protect Phil Mitchell at all costs and allow the police! Bastards.

For more of the same, check out when Phil was papped picking up a load of fish and chips on his moped. Was apparently one of the funniest things ever.



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