PETA Wants Women To Go On A Sex Strike Against Men Who Eat Meat



PETA have been trying to convince people to stop eating meat and using animal products for decades, but maybe they’re onto something with their latest plan to encourage women to go on a sex strike against men who eat meat.

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Here’s what Daniel Cox from PETA Germany had to say about the initiative:

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It’s time to wake up and smell the tofu.

We all know them, the suburban fathers with beer bottles and barbecue tongs sizzling 70 cent sausages on their 700 euro grill.

The courgette added by the visitor is eyed with suspicion and only reluctantly tolerated.

The fact that Germany’s ‘grill masters’ believe they have to prove their masculinity to themselves and their fellow species through their consumption of meat is not only to the detriment of the animals, however.

Now there is scientific proof that toxic masculinity also harms the climate. Therefore, a hefty meat tax of 41 per cent for men would be appropriate.

A ban on sex or procreation for all meat-eating men would also be purposeful in this context.

Wow. This seems like a really stupid idea for PETA because surely any women that feel so strongly about animal rights probably aren’t going to be dating men that love meat as much as the ones described by Daniel in his little speech. Seems like an essentially useless call to action from the guy.

However, the statement has thoroughly annoyed everyone with people calling it sexist, homophobic (as it only focuses on straight people) and pointing out the fact that it promotes women using sex as a tool against men. For once I definitely agree with them – it’s gotta be up there with some of the dumbest vegan stunts of all time. Saying dumb crap like this isn’t going to promote their cause, it’s just gonna make people hate them even more. Get a clue.

For more of the same, check out this vegan activist going crazy in McDonald’s and absolutely trashing the place. Completely ridiculous.



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