People Are Getting Absolutely Awful Tattoos Of Will Smith Slapping Chris Rock



I know I’ve been saying that I expect the fallout from the Will Smith/Chris Rock slap to go on for months and months, but even I didn’t foresee that people would start getting tattoos of the damn thing on them just over a week after it happened.

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We live in 2022 though so of course people are doing exactly that. I’m behind the curve here. Reasons people gave for getting the moment inked upon their skin forever included ‘I just really like the meme’, ‘I just really love Will Smith’ and ‘violence is never justified’, all of which don’t really make any sense unless you’re the person getting them I suppose. And even then that’s a bit of a stretch.

Anyway, check these tattoos out and see which one you like the best:


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I suppose the second one does genuinely look kinda cool and the first one looks fun with all those funky lights flashing on and off but that’s me being very nice about them. I can’t imagine ever wanting to talk to the people with those tattoos unless maybe I was a bit wasted and wanted to laugh at them about their terrible life decision. Very important distinction between ‘at’ and ‘with’ there.

The last one though is really really bad. It looks way too dramatic and stupid and it’s not even poking fun at the event really, just coming across as overly serious and self indulgent. Can imagine the person who got that one not being very fun at parties. Probably loves Quentin Tarantino movies or something.

For more of the same, check out this Will Smith/Chris Rock slap NFT that you can buy for just $180,000. What a bargain.



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