People Are Accusing Drake Of Being A Paedophile As He’s Constantly Texting 14 Year Old Millie Bobbie Brown



As a grown ass man, I think that the vast majority of my friends and people that I text are in the same ten year radius of my age and that I’ve got no real interest in pursuing a friendship with a 14 year old girl and  that it’s kind of weird that other grown ass men might wanna do this. And almost paedophilic to be honest.

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But then again I’m not Drake so maybe it isn’t that weird?  Drake is allegedly doing this by apparently constantly texting 14 year old Stranger Things star Millie Bobby Brown. Bear in mind that Drake is 32 years old and seemingly very busy being one of the biggest music icons in the world and you’ve gotta admit that this is pretty strange behaviour and a lot of people on the internet are calling him out over it. And rightly so I think – but then again this is Drake so it’s not like anything is going to happen is it?

Anyway, here’s a video of Millie talking about the text messages as well as some quotes from her on the subject. Then there’s the wrath of the internet following that:

I love him. I met him in Australia and he’s honestly so fantastic, a great friend, and a great role model.

We just texted each other the other day and he was like ‘I miss you so much,’ and I was like ‘I miss you more.’

I mean I can’t deny thinking that it’s weird too, even if it is Drake and in the show business world a 14 year old might actually be 25 mentally given how quickly they have to grow up. I guess there’s no evidence he’s a paedophile yet but if things progress, you wouldn’t put it past someone uncovering something crazy in his closet. Watch this space – until then I guess people will continue to call him a paedophile from their smartphones whilst he earns more money in a minute then you do in your whole year. So it goes.

For more Drake, check out this really nasty story about a groupie hooking up with him. Really weird again.



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