76 Year Old Dude Won’t Stop Driving Even Though He’s Been Banned Until 2090



Pretty sure no one in world history has given less of a fuck than this guy — 76 year old Nathaniel Barker from Sydney, Australia.

He’s appeared in court more than 28 times for driving while his licence was disqualified, but he’s still getting around in his motor despite now being disqualified until 2090 (i.e. forever).

Most recently when he was pulled over on Monday for not using his indicator he told the police officer “I was just driving around the corner”.

So yeah, he should probably pack it in before he causes some kind of accident but at the same time not gonna lie, kinda respect Nathaniel Barker’s outlook here. He literally couldn’t care less that he can’t drive again until he’s about 150 years old, he’s already 76 and so the rules simply do not apply. 28, 150, 2090 — those are all just meaningless numbers to Nathaniel Barker. Tell it to someone who cares, right Nathan? In his mind he’s earned the right to not give a fuck.

Thinking we might adopt a similar attitude when we’re that age — after all old people should be able to do whatever the hell they please.

To an extent.



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