It’s always a treat at school or the office when someone brings some delicious snacks or sweets in to share and it would be even better if they were laced with drugs like that episode of Mad Men.
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This story isn’t so funny though, as a nine year old boy ended up splitting some weed gummies with his classmates in Cleveland, Ohio and fifteen of his classmates ended up getting ‘sick’ because of it. Police initially arrested the boy’s mother Shari Gold for reckless child endangerment, but after further investigation she hasn’t been charged as the boy revealed that he took them off his drunk aunt who was ‘in no fit state of mind’ at their apartment.
A police statement revealed the plan:
Later in the night, while the mother was doing the dishes, the kids concocted a plan where the 9-year-old boy went to the kitchen and told his mother he loved her while the 6-year-old boy grabbed the rest of the gummies that were left sitting out on a table.
The boys later snuck the ‘large bag of gummies’ to school in a backpack and gave them to their classmates at Anton Grdina School on Monday (pictured below).
Damn those little kids are tricky aren’t they? Such mischief for ones so little.
Paramedics were called and all of the kids were taken to a nearby children’s hospital for treatment after the weed gummies wrapper was discovered by a teacher on the floor. All of them tested positive for marijuana but they all ended up being OK.
I guess the two Gold kids didn’t get arrested for their actions but they probably got grounded or suspended from school or something. In actual fact though, they should probably be commended for my actions – I definitely wouldn’t have been sharing all those gummi bears with my mates from school when I was nine years old. Shows they’re being brought up right.
For more weed gummies, check out this story about what you can really get up to with weed gummies. Nice.