NBA Legend Steve Kerr Makes Emotional Plea To Senators After Latest School Shooting



I’m not sure how many people in the UK would have known who Steve Kerr was until we all ended up watching the Chicago Bulls documentary ‘The Last Dance’ during the lockdown and he had an episode dedicated to him, but I’m fairly certain most of us have some idea of his existence now.

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Anyway, there was another mass shooting in the United States yesterday when some 18 year old incel prick decided to storm a primary school in Uvalde, Texas and murder 19 children and two teachers and Steve Kerr – whose father was killed by terrorists in Beirut back in 1984 – decided to step up yet again and say what everyone with a brain in that country is thinking. Kerr’s Golden State Warriors were playing in the NBA playoffs against the Dallas Mavericks last night and he refused to talk basketball during the pre-match press conference, instead using his platform to launch an impassioned plea to Senators and the population to tighten the regulations on who is allowed to buy guns in the country.

Watch it below:

Wow. I would say that it’s great to see someone as famous and respected (in America) as Steve Kerr nailing his colours to the mast and demanding change over this issue, but it’s also supremely depressing that America still isn’t doing anything about this problem when school shootings are now the number one cause of death for teenagers in the country. Kerr isn’t even asking for guns to be banned – just for better background checks so that idiot incels can’t buy them and go and shoot up the school. Is that really an erosion of citizen’s fundamental rights when there was a school shooting every other week last year? Fucking wake up America you idiots.

For more of the same, check out The Incel Files – our very own investigation into the disgustingly depraved incel community. Gross.



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