Mum Splits Opinion After Revealing She Won’t Leave Her Daughter Alone With Male Relatives



The vast majority of children who suffer abuse experience it at the hands of someone they know, but is that a good reason to never leave your child alone with a male relative?

Mum-of-two Aubrey AKA @theorganicmami on TikTok shared a video titled ‘Controversial Ways I’m Raising My Daughter’, in which she revealed she has a strict rule to never leave her daughter alone with any male, including her relatives.

The young mum started off by saying:

“No sleepovers, not even with family members. And she will never be left alone with a male. I don’t care if you’re the grandparent, the uncle or the cousin.”

No sleepovers seems a bit harsh. Isn’t that where children form some of their best memories with friends? Seems like a sure-fire way to turn her into a little rebel tbh.

Aubrey issued a stern warning to any male relative who may want to show her daughter even a smidgen of affection:

“She doesn’t have to kiss you, hug you, or sit on your lap just because you asked her to and because you’re a relative and haven’t seen her in a long time.

She doesn’t have to respect you if you don’t also respect her, as a child she still will have opinions and emotions and she is allowed to feel a certain way.”

@theorganicmami Controversial ways I’m raising my daughter ✨ call me crazy IDC 😂 #controversialmom #controversialwaysimgoingtoraisemykids #raisingmydaughter #controversialmomtopics #controversialopinion #raisingstrongwomen #crunchymom #chattygrwm #sahmgrwmroutine #youngfirsttimemom ♬ Storytelling – Adriel

She made it clear that she won’t treat her daughter differently to how she would treat a son:

“For instance, me letting my son go out late but not my daughter because it’s too dangerous for a woman – I’m just going to treat them both the same.”

Aubrey also was confident that her children won’t be able to keep any secrets from her and her husband:

“If you’re one of those people now saying ‘I’ll give you candy when your mum’s not here, just don’t tell her’, that’s the quickest way to never see us again.”

Aubrey also revealed her plans to homeschool her daughter and to use holistic methods for healthcare instead of medicine:

“We’re not going to do a public school system that makes you sit at a desk for eight hours and not learn anything you really care about.

I am teaching her to stand up for herself, set boundaries and say no.”

I guess I agree with a lot of what she’s saying, but the ‘no sleepovers’ rule and essentially teaching her daughter to be a misandrist both seem a bit OTT. Surely there are better ways to protect your daughter than to keep her from having valid childhood experiences like sleepovers? Or to have her be distrustful of all men, including her uncles, cousins and grandads?

Well anyway, it will be good to check in with this family in 10 years and see if the daughter doesn’t completely hate her mum’s guts. Although I guess there’s a good chance of that happening either way.

For the hardline feminist who linked a granddad asking her granddaughter for a hug to the #MeToo movement, click HERE.



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