Mike Tyson Is Now Selling Edibles Shaped As Ears – Complete With Missing Chunk



Sometimes the most simple marketing strategies are the best ones. This is such a no-brainer it’s a wonder he didn’t come up with it earlier. The weed industry is so saturated right now especially as it becomes legalised city by city across America, so you really need some good brand recognition to stand out. Well what better brand recognition than ‘Mike Bites’? Weed gummies in the shape of Evander Holyfield’s bitten ear. If you were in the market for some edibles, no way you’re passing on these! I’m not sure how much THC is in them but I’m sure there’s enough to TKO you given how seriously Mike Tyson takes his weed these days.

What I’m wondering is – does Evander Holyfield receive a % of sales? I think he lost like 10% of his ear so maybe that’s about right.

To watch a man lose his ear after a fist fight in a London beer garden, click HERE.



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