This Graph Of Leo DiCaprio’s Dating History Shows That At 44 He Has A Specific Type



Everyone knows that Leo DiCaprio is one of the most eligible bachelors in the world and absolutely loves spending time with women.

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According to a Reddit user who did a data analysis of his former girlfriends and hook-ups (the ones we know of anyway), it appears 44-year-old Leo does have a type – women under 25.

User ‘TrustLittleBrother’ created this graph which reveals the average age of the women Leo has hooked up with is 22.9 years old, with 25 being the oldest age he’s ever gone out with:

The graph should be straightforward enough but if you have trouble interpreting it then all you need to know is that Leo is a straight up gyalis. I mean never has a penis been happier with the person it is attached to. The guy has been doing what he wants, when he wants forever and it doesn’t look like he’s stopping anytime soon.

In fact Leo’s current girlfriend is 21-year-old Argentinian model Camilla Morrone. If you do the maths she has 3 or 4 years left with him because as we’ve just seen Leo doesn’t do over 25. Sexist? Ageist? Not sure you can say that – after all you can’t fault people for their preferences.

Make the most of it Camilla – the clock’s ticking:

For a look at Leo’s next project ‘Devil In The White City’ (directed by Martin Scorsese), click HERE. It’s gonna be good.



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