These Disgusting Landlords Are Requesting ‘Daily Unprotected Sex In Exchange For Rent’



It’s no secret that the rental market can be something else entirely – especially if you’re living in London – but I didn’t suspect that it was full of perverted old white men who were literally charging their tenants in daily unprotected sex for their lodging. What the fuck is wrong with some people?

Images VIA 

OK so maybe the market isn’t full of these people, but they definitely exist out there as proved by a recent investigation by Mail On Sunday where their journalists posed as people looking for rooms to rent. They uncovered that there were countless offers of free rooms still on the internet but women were expected to perform regular explicit sex acts – including oral and unprotected – on their landlords in exchange for living there. Gross.

The three landlords that were profiled were 30 year old Andrew Bird, a vacuum cleaner fixer from Rotherham, who said the following:

To rent my one bedroom council flat with me, you will be required to have daily unprotected sex with me.

I like the risk of pregnancy.

Essex-based electrician Tony Crossley offered a room in his house with this proviso:

You can have the room in my house in exchange for a couple of fun nights with me.

You can perform oral sex on me as an icebreaker.

And Colin Luck from Gravesend in Kent who offered this arrangement:

I require intimacy and a relationship. We would have to get together a couple of times a week.

I would always respect you, I would never hurt you.

I like a bit of tantric sex. I’d like to explore that.

Ugh I think I just puked a little bit in my mouth there. What absolutely repulsive, disgusting human beings. It’s pretty unbelievable that people are trying this kind of crap at all, let alone that it seems to be so prevalent. Apparently a quarter of a million women have been approached about it.

The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) issued new guidance to lawyers in January, classifying such deals as an offence under the Sexual Offences Act 2003, but the ease with how the Mail On Sunday were able to find these scumbags proves how much of a problem stuff like this is in our country. Really need to do something to make it a criminal act because it’s really not on for people to be behaving like this. Rank.

For more of the same, check out this landlord revealing the aftermath of the worst tenant that he’s ever had. Gross.



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