Kanye West Tells Jewish People To Forgive Hitler And ‘Let It Go’



Another insane podcast appearance by Kanye West the other night, this time on Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes’s show alongside his new best mate Nick Fuentes. Among the pearls of wisdom Ye offered was to suggest Jewish people forgive Hitler for murdering 6 million Jews…

At one point McInnes tried to talk some sense into him… but no joy:

The fact Ye has managed to say things so antisemitic on air that it makes people like Alex Jones and Gavin McInnes nervous says it all really. Even the alt/far right are trying to get him to chill out and they can’t; he’s just on his own level of batshxt craziness!

It’s also pretty funny that the guy who grudged so hard on Pete Davidson would publicly suggest forgiveness to anyone, let alone the Jews and Hitler. How much deeper can Edgelord Kanye keep digging before his life and career are ruined for good?

Bill Burr predicted this would happen back in 2017, by the way.



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