How To Avoid Being Mauled By 9 Of Nature’s Top Killers



4) Elephants

Animal Attack - Elephant Charge

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Elephants are massive. Fact. Elephants could probably outrun you. Fact. So if one charges you need to know whether it’s serious. If the elephant has its ears all out and flapping then it’s just mucking about, but if the ears are pinned back, flush to its mighty skull, then it means business.

If the big-eared boy is serious you can either stand still and scream. Or, my choice of action: leg it. And when you do run, do it in a zig-zag fashion because their bulkiness makes it pretty tricky for them to turn on a sixpence.

If you can get to higher ground that’ll be grand. But don’t choose a flimsy tree because they’ll knock it right down, and make sure you are up real high because they can stand on their back legs and stretch their trunk up, remember? I doubt you can climb high enough quick enough. Or maybe you reckon you can? I wouldn’t risk it though mate.



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