Hilarious And Confusing Book Cover Art



MARAUDERS OF GOR!!!!!!! Apparently this is from a long series of fantasy novels that I’m gutted to have missed out on. Never judge a book by its cover, unless it looks like this:

Awful Hideous Fantasy Art - Marauders of Gor - John Norman

I know that when this next book was produced they didn’t have Photoshop or animatronics – fine, no problem. But they’ve obviously put the pictures of the dragons on afterwards, so why not make them look a bit bigger or scarier? It’s just not good enough.

Awful Hideous Fantasy Art - Roger Zelazny - Knight of Shadows

The next book was originally published as ‘Outpost Mars’, the authors decided to reprint it under the racy title ‘Sin In Space’. I presume it was to cash in on men’s winkies. I assume it worked.

Awful Hideous Fantasy Art - Sin In Space - Cyril Judd

☛ Next: Is This The World’s Smallest Book?



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