Earlier this month, a Facebook page entitled Ballerboyz stated that they would drive naked on a motorcycle (aside from gloves and a helmet of course) through the town of Munster if the post they had just posted got more than 1000 likes. It duly did, and the town of Munster got to witness a naked guy riding around on a motorcycle for a bit.
The rest of the world got to see this cool promo video they made of it. Don’t worry, it’s SFW so it’s all good.
The German police aren’t happy about this and are actively searching for the Ballerboyz, stating that they are looking to identify the rider and charge him with ‘potential petty offence charges’.
However, most of the people of Munster seemed to enjoy the performance with one passerby  called Birgit Weusthoff-Schulze stating that ‘it was not unappetising to watch’.
☛ More Motorbikes: Man Gets Shot Trying To Hijack Motorcycle
[yframe url=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGs_gjY7c6U’]