Killer George Zimmerman Puts Painting Up On eBay, Bids Exceed $100,000



You just can’t make this stuff up. George Zimmerman, the guy we should all remember from the news a few short months back after he was acquitted of murdering 17 year old Trayvon Martin in Florida last year has crawled back into the public eye once again, this time claiming to be a painter. Below is a close up of his first work of art which depicts a blue american flag, waving about with the words “God one nation with liberty and justice for all.”

george zimmerman painting

He started the bidding on his first ever piece at 99 cents, but with over 100 bids (of which bidding is still ongoing) the piece entitled ‘George Zimmerman original painting’ is now reaching just over $110,000. Now there’s no way to say he can’t put something up on eBay, and we can’t expect the man to have not found hobbies during months of lying low so I’m not even gonna go into him. It’s bidders that are taking the piss – I’m being judgemental here but it’s a ‘basic bitch’ painting, not the worse I’ll admit but definitely not worth the loot which leaves the only reason to want to purchase it that I can see would be just to point to your wall and say “that guy who killed that kid painted that!”


The description for the listing reads as follows:

“First hand painted artwork by me, George Zimmerman. Everyone has been asking what I have been doing with myself. I found a creative, way to express myself, my emotions and the symbols that represent my experiences. My art work allows me to reflect, providing a therapeutic outlet and allows me to remain indoors 🙂 I hope you enjoy owning this piece as much as I enjoyed creating it. Your friend, George Zimmerman”

What irks me the most about that is that he fails to expand on the materials used, the size of the artwork or even give it a title or explanation (although he selects the piece subject as simply ‘America’). Fair enough, he answered those questions after a few users inquired but reading through the blind, conservative, whitewashed support posts to get to the specs makes my heart heavy. It’s all a bit weak, and who wants to bet that he’ll pop up later and give the proceeds to charity?* I may be part of the problem for posting about this, and as they say all press is good press but it’s a bit of a joke and all we can do is keep the balance of outrage/forgiveness as off kilter as possible.

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*You’d think it may have to go towards his legal fees since he’s still in debt from the Trayvon murder trial case and owes his lawyer in excess of $1 million, but in the comments section of the listing, Zimmerman discloses that his earnings won’t go towards that. Regardless, his attorney Mark O’Mara told TMZ that “If selling paintings helps him rebuild his life, I’m not going to stand in the way of that.”

george zimmerman ebay

Seriously, if that’s what you need in your house in order to help keep the conversation going at your dinner party then God help you, bruh. Check the eBay listing out for yourself here.



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