Fiona Harvey Will Be Signing Autographs And Taking Selfies At Kasbah Nightclub This Saturday 18th May



It was only a matter of time before Fiona Harvey AKA the real-life Martha Scott from Baby Reindeer became a fully-fledged celebrity, and sure enough she’s doing the nightclub circuit this Saturday with an appearance at Kasbah in Coventry – the same club that hosted Ronnie Pickering when he first went viral.

The club are advertising the appearance on their Facebook page, and even include a suggestion that Fiona Harvey could take a “lucky reindeer” home to hang her curtains. There’s got to be some takers out there, surely?

Now obviously this is a questionable decision on behalf of Kasbah Nightclub given we are dealing with a (potentially?) mentally ill/vulnerable person here, and it’s possible a Fiona Harvey public appearance where she gets to mingle with fans, sign autographs and take selfies, could be a recipe for disaster.

On the other hand, she seemed pretty composed and relaxed on Piers Morgan (even if she was talking BS during the interview itself), and so maybe we should trust that this grown woman can handle a meet-and-greet where she’s the star of the show.

After all, she seems to really be enjoying her newfound fame, if some of her Facebook statuses are anything to go by:

As we’ve said before, Fiona Harvey may as well milk the situation for all its worth at this point, and that includes doing all the public appearances she can to rake in some $$$, so that at least some good can come out of it for her.

If you’re going to Kasbah on Saturday night and plan on buying Fiona Harvey a drink, just know what you may be letting yourself into. Ditto the staff giving out any freebies.

For the Daily Mail journalist who claims Fiona Harvey has been stalking him ever since he interviewed her last week, click HERE.



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