Driver Rams Through Just Stop Oil Protest And ‘Runs Over Woman’ (VIDEO)



One of the most annoying things we see from Just Stop Oil protesters is when they decide to protest in the middle of the damn road, inconveniencing thousands of drivers who are just trying to get to where they need to go.

So I guess it was only a matter of time before this happened:

Hilariously, Just Stop Oil is trying to frame this as someone being rammed into and having their ‘foot run over’, but I think we’ve all seen rugby tackles harder than that. I mean, for someone who’s just had their foot run over, this protester looks mildly inconvenienced at most:


Which is just as well, because anyone stood in the middle of traffic as protest should probably count themselves lucky that they didn’t get their foot run over. I just love how Just Stop Oil are trying to milk this total non-incident for all it’s worth though. I actually think they’d welcome something awful like this happening for real because then they’d really get to play victims.

Meanwhile over in Germany this week, one man who was late for work simply got out of his car and smacked a Just Stop Oil protester across the face:

Really winning the common man over to their cause, aren’t they?

For the Just Stop Oil activist who called Piers Morgan a ‘pathetic gammony man-baby’ to his face last week, click HERE. So mean.



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