Piers Morgan Called A ‘Pathetic Gammony Man-Baby’ By Just Stop Oil Protester During Live Debate



I’m sure loads of people have called Piers Morgan a gammon before, but not to his face and certainly not on his own TalkTV show where he’s just trying to have a sensible, nuanced discussion (yeah right).

Well there’s a first time for everything and during a heated debate with Just Stop Oil’s James Skeet and environmental campaigner Donnachadh McCarthy, the former called Morgan a ‘pathetic, gammony, man-baby’. Oh the humanity!

I think he had that one loaded in the chamber from the moment he was invited to be on the show tbh. It did seem to get under Morgan’s skin a little but then he did call Skeet a brat, a coward and an idiot so I guess he can’t feel too hard done by. Can’t these Just Stop Oil whinos just glue themselves to Piers Morgan next time rather than fxck up the World Snooker Championship and Grand National?

To be fair, Piers Morgan and his guests never seem to get anywhere when it comes to Just Stop Oil as all that ever seems to happen is everyone starts shouting over each other and Piers gets the last word in before wrapping things up. Everyone involved knows what the deal is – just get your points/digs in and affect no change whatsoever.

You can watch the full segment below:

For the time JSO protesters glued themselves to a painting and poured tomato sauce over their own heads, click HERE. Cool stunt guys.



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