A Bodybuilder Has Finally Married His Beloved Sex Doll In A Beautiful Ceremony (VIDEO)



It’s been a weird year for weddings – with many of them cancelled, delayed or going ahead with much smaller services due to the global pandemic – but one man who didn’t care about restrictions and just couldn’t wait to marry his beloved sex doll is bodybuilder Yurii Tolochko.

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Tolochko proposed to his doll Margo after eight months of their relationship back in December 2019 and the wedding was due to take place in March this year before Coronavirus hit. Yurii was then attacked during a transgender rally in October – delaying it even further – but the pair have finally sealed their nuptials in their native Kazakhtstan over the weekend.

Of course, Yurii decided to post a video of the ceremony on his Instagram account:

OK so firstly nobody is social distancing or wearing a mask at this wedding but we’re obviously not going to talk about that here and instead we just need to ask ourselves just what the hell is going on with this guy? The video seems like he must be trolling us with all this, but then the rest of his Instagram is so serious about his sex doll lover that you kind of think that it has to be real? And if he is trolling us, I fail to even see what the point/end goal of it is unless it’s some kind of ‘modern art’ take on society, but even then it seems like it’s just too much effort without any real reward?

The thing that’s got me though is that he’s got so many people to attend his wedding and all look like they’re having an amazing time. Surely that can’t be real because at least one of his friends would definitely have asked him if he was mentally ill whilst all this was going on? Or maybe this kind of thing is regular over in Kazakhstan? I got no idea anymore – what do you think?

For more of the same, check out when this woman found her boyfriend’s horrific homemade sex doll in the closet. Jesus.



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