This Australian Senator’s Racist Response To The Christchurch Mosque Shootings Is Completely Insane



The world is in mourning today following the massacre in Christchurch New Zealand that has left over 40 Muslims dead and 20 injured.

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Well, I say the world but this unfortunately isn’t the case and there are some people that are using these events as a way to pursue their racist anti immigration policies. Yeah, people won’t even wait a day to post completely insane racist shit like the below, courtesy of Australia’s senator for Queensland Fraser Anning:

OK I know that’s shared by a page called the Aussie Muslim but I looked into this Fraser Anning guy and he describes himself as a far right wing white supremacist so I’m pretty convinced that this is actually real. His recent tweets only serve to make the situation even worse as well:

Honestly you would think that these people would give it a rest after a whole bunch of people had just been senselessly murdered in cold blood, but no even now this dude is trying to say that it was the mosque’s fault that they got bloodily murdered for senselessly rocking up into New Zealand and having the nerve to establish a community there. Words fail me sometimes.

For more on these shootings, here’s what we know about one of the shooters Brenton Tarrant. Guy was fucked.



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