Actress Tina Malone Has Been Sentenced For Sharing Alleged Photos Of James Bulger’s Killer



One story that seems to keep dragging on without any resolution seemingly in sight is that of the identity of Jon Venables – one of the two killers of toddler James Bulger all those years ago.

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Venables has been granted a new identity and a worldwide injunction has been served revealing this, but he has since reoffended and is currently serving time again for possession of child pornography. This has called many – including Bulger’s father – to ask for it to be lifted, but they have all been denied at the point of writing.

However, a whole load of pictures and information has been released on the internet concerning Venables, with Shameless actress Tina Malone one of those alleged to have shared a picture of him on Facebook. Clearly, the High Court didn’t want to look like a soft touch and have charged her with trying to reveal her identity, although the sentence handed to her isn’t that harsh.

Jon Venables

As he handed her an eight month suspended sentence and ordered her to pay £10,000 court costs after Malone admitted her guilt, Lord Burnett, said:

Although the custody threshold is undoubtedly passed in this case, the personal circumstances and mitigation of this defendant are such that we should impose a suspended committal order.

Taking account of everything that we have heard, we order that the defendant be committed to prison for eight months, but we suspend that order for two years.

Fair enough I guess. Malone herself claimed she didn’t know she was doing anything wrong and said the whole situation hit home more with her because she grew up in Liverpool where it all went down.

I mean even if I didn’t go to jail after revealing Venables’ identity, I think the whole court case and cost would be enough to put me off ever wanting to do so. Props to the High Court because I reckon they got this one right for once.

For more of the same, check out this woman’s account of a date with Jon Venables. Seriously.



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