Here Are All The Times Charlie Brooker Has Secretly Ripped Katie Hopkins To Shreds



Not one piece of work Charlie Brooker puts his name to isn’t filled with his merciless and cutting humour. He has an uncanny way of cutting to the core of whatever he is analysing or depicting, either showing up its brilliance or its blatant failure. Anything that falls into the ‘dumb’ camp is ruthlessly shut down in Brooker’s subtle yet loud way.

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Obviously we know Brooker well enough to conclude his views on the loud-mouthed, racist cunt sack that is Katie Hopkins. But as I was watching the recent series of ‘Black Mirror’ I noticed a couple of references to her that got me wondering just how many times he has been slipping these insults in over the years. Although he might not be consciously pinpointing Katie Hopkins (there are many people on Brooker’s rip list) he has actually made quite a few digs at her over the years that I think are worth a mention, if anything to help us to feel slightly better about the fact that this woman hasn’t been publicly ousted yet: 

Hated in the nation

joe powers

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I don’t want to give away too much about the last episode of ‘Black Mirror’ series three, but I will say that there’s a character featured in the beginning who is quite clearly referencing Katie Hopkins. If you haven’t seen it, the character highlights the idea that Katie Hopkins is nothing more than a publicity stunt while the conclusion of the episode (as said, don’t want to reveal too much) is almost implying that if we stop paying attention to these wankers, then they won’t have any power. So who’s with me?

Benefits street

In the segment below from ‘Weekly Wipe’, Brooker ruthlessly pulls apart the whole concept of ‘Benefits Street’ – you know, that utterly offensive series that was pretty much a modern day freak show. It was propaganda, asking for the general public to have a go at the poor.

And surprise, surprise, Katie Hopkins had a lot to say about the series, using this opportunity to have a go at people that weren’t upper class wankcloths. With this point, Brooker focuses on the tabloids (aka Katie Hopkins) depicting the show’s characters as “lazy ner’do wells sponging off the state.” As always, Brooker manages to reduce her statements to the ramblings of a mad twat in less than a minute. STFU Hopkins, you don’t know what you’re talking about.

Men against fire 


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Right, this time round is an official spoiler alert, so if you haven’t seen ‘Men Against Fire’ from the latest ‘Black Mirror’ series then skip to the next section.

So in this episode, a group of army soldiers are fighting what they have called ‘roaches’ – sort of like the zombies you’d find in ’28 Days Later’. However, as the episode goes on, you realise that the English army have implanted a chip into the brains of their fighters in order to see their ‘enemy’ as non-human. It’s a blatant reference to how the general public perceives Muslim immigrants, with the chip representing the UK tabloids (or at least that’s what I thought). But what has this to do with Katie Hopkins? Well she famously named immigrants ‘cockroaches’, saying we should be waiting at the shores with shotguns rather than lifeboats. No Katie, we should be killing off people like you with a shotgun you backwards, racist cuntbag.

Screen Burn


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Charlie Brooker’s TV columns in the Guardian’s Guide were sharp, witty and original. Here are his top ten as listed by the newspaper itself. In one particular entry focusing on the 2008 series of ‘The Apprentice’ (when I say focus, I mean tear it apart) Brooker uses one of the applicants to throw out the most backhanded compliment to Hopkins possible:

The environmental greetings card “concept” sprang from the addled mind of the increasingly nightmarish Jenny, a woman so pig-headed she’s probably got a curly tail at the back of her skull. Jenny has managed to achieve the impossible by making Katie Hopkins (last year’s villain) seem warm-hearted and gregarious, albeit only in retrospect.


Philomena Cunk

phil kat

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OK, so this insult didn’t even come from the horse’s mouth (or brain) but somehow Katie Hopkins winded up in comparison with Brooker’s brain dead insight warrior Philomena Cunk. Yes, it turns out that Cunk’s ridiculous statements are considered so far-fetched that they’re in the same league as Hopkins’. Only difference? Hopkins actually meant it. In fact, Buzzfeed even made a quiz on the matter: who said it? Philomena Cunk or Katie Hopkins. It’s a toughie.

For more ridiculous Katie Hopkins moments, check out the time a bunch of students sold out her event just so they could stage a mass walk out when she arrived. Gutted mate.



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