CGI 10-Year-Old Helps Capture 20,000 Paedophiles In 10 Weeks



Here’s a story that will make you both sad and sick to your stomach, but also pleased to know that there are groups out there making a real effort to curb illegal global web cam “sex tourism”.

Children’s rights group Terres des Hommes has been using a completely computer generated 10-year-old Filipina named ‘Sweetie’ to catch out paedophiles in a super effective sting operation. So effective they’ve managed to secure the details of nearly 20,000 paedophiles and have now handed them over to the police.

Of the 20,000 sickos who contacted the CGI girl, 1,000 offered her money.  254 of them were from the US and 110 were from the UK.

“We identified ourselves as 10-year-old Filipino girls. We did not solicit anything unless it was offered to us,” said one member of the team.

Terres des Hommes have now retired the operation, having handed their findings over to Interpol. It’s now up to them to catch these creeps and bring them down.

Check out the video from Terre des Hommes’ YouTube page and hear them outline just how widespread and awful the web cam sex industry is and their own reasons for getting involved with the project.

Video is kinda NSFW:

☛ Read Next: Online Paedophile Hunting Gangs Are Beefing Each Other

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