Nando’s Took The Absolute Piss When This Woman Asks For Cheese With Her Chicken Wrap



Here on Sick Chirpse, we’ve frequently been brave enough to speak out about the frankly poor experience many people have had with Nando’s over the years, and this is yet another in a long line of atrocities. A 37 year-old woman was recently asked at a Nando’s restaurant in London whether or not she would like cheese with her chicken wrap. After requesting the cheese, she then received the absolutely abysmal result pictured below.

Nando's Cheese Chicken

I’m sorry Nando’s, but this is just a step too far. First you make this shocking advert, then you put steak on your menu despite being a chicken restaurant, and now you mug off some innocent woman who wanted nothing more than a little cheese in her no doubt overpriced chicken wrap.

Nando’s, that may actually be the cheekiest delivery of a customer’s extra cheese we’ve ever seen.



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