Kuwaiti Mum Loses Custody Of Kids Because She Wore A Bikini To The Beach



An unnamed Kuwaiti woman has had her kids taken away from her because she wore a bikini to the beach.

Her ex-husband, who had taken her to court to fight for custody of their children, brought photos of her in the bikini to court and the judge looked at them and decided she wasn’t fit to take care of her kids.

The ex-husband’s lawyer, Yousuf Hussein, said that picture proved she had a “deficiency in her morals.”

On top of that, the whole story has led to Hamdan Al-Azemi, the head of Kuwait’s ‘Anti-Social Behaviour Committee’, to propose a new rule that says that wearing a bikini should be banned outright from public places like hotel hallways and swimming pools. Basically this judge’s fucked up ruling might change the Kuwaiti bikini game forever because these dicks want to be consistently sexist/flesh-fearing losers.

A few years back Kuwaiti lawmakers tried to pass a bill that would put bikiki-wearers in prison for one year but in the end they just advised people to avoid behaviour and dress that “amounts to acts of provocation.”

Obviously it is beyond messed up that an entire nation of women are being punished because these dick heads can’t control themselves when they see a girl in a bikini. But to actually take a woman’s kids away from her because of it? Ridiculous.

☛ More Sexism: Egyptian Interviewer Defies Religious Leader Telling Her How To Dress



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