Woman Hospitalised With ‘Trapped Gas’ As Not Yet On Farting Terms With Boyfriend



When you think about it, one of the most important moments in any relationship is when you feel comfortable enough to fart in front of one another without fear of any consequences. So maybe it isn’t actually that stupid that the woman in this story had to go to hospital because of trapped gas as she hadn’t reached that stage with her new boyfriend yet?

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Viviane de Queiroz Pereira is a singer known as Pocah over in Brazil and is kind of a big deal over there – she’s got 15.7 million Instagram followers – and for some reason decided to share the details of her recent ordeal with all of them. I guess it’s raising awareness for how good it is to let your farts come out naturally or something?

Anyway, here’s what she had to say:

I woke up at 5.30am with severe stomach pains and ended up in the hospital.

But that’s it, guys. I’m now fine. Just an accumulation of trapped farts.

Girls, don’t be ashamed to fart in front of your guy, because what’s really embarrassing is not letting your guy sleep because you’re in discomfort, going to hospital with your guy, and the diagnosis being ‘trapped farts’.

From now on, I’m letting them rip, guys.

I guess fair play? I’m not really sure why she decided to share it considering how embarrassing she found it when only her boyfriend knew about it, but I suppose she’s doing a public service by raising awareness and everyone’s talking about her now because of it.

Although maybe in this case there is such a thing as bad publicity as Pocah is probably going to be known forever now as the girl who held her farts in and had to go to hospital because of it. Not a great look. Bet her record label is completely screwing about this development.

For more of the same, check out this study that claimed that smelling your partner’s farts had health benefits.



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