Which Specialists To Turn To If You Have Problems With Sex? 



Sex is a part of our lives, and talking about it is normal and useful. After all, the relationship in a couple and the mood and well-being of a person depend on its quality.

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So, first of all, don’t forget to talk openly about your preferences or awkward moments with your partner. And secondly: do not forget to turn to specialists if you are worried about something. Third, you should not resort to folk medicine and think about whether does cbd helps sexually. You should only consult a doctor if you have problems. 

Who to go to if you have questions or problems with sexual health? Read this article.

Who does what?

The sexologist studies everything about sex within the norm; biological, social, psychological aspects of sexuality. It can be a doctor, educator, psychologist, or biologist who has been trained. It is important that the specialist does not conduct an examination, does not prescribe drugs, unless he is a doctor, but only listens to the man, woman (or both together), identifies the problem, and helps to solve it.

A sexologist must be a doctor, including a psychiatrist, gynecologist, or urologist, who has additionally specialized in the medical academy of postgraduate education. A sexologist studies, diagnoses, and treats atypical sexual behaviors (e.g., exhibitionism, pedophilia, voyeurism, etc.).

A sex therapist is a psychotherapist who has sex education and is concerned with solving sexual problems of a psychogenic nature.

A urologist treats diseases of the urinary system in women and men and problems of the male genitalia. Some urologists specialize in treating sexually transmitted infections, helping couples in male infertility cases, and treating erection and libido problems. Such specialists are also called andrologists.

If andrologists treat diseases of the male reproductive system, gynecologists – diseases of the female reproductive and reproductive systems.

A family doctor can also be a sexologist. According to doctors, the outpatient clinic should have a doctor who can provide professional advice to patients and advise colleagues on how best to act in different situations, especially in the lives of adolescents.

It is to the family doctor that young parents turn to the care of boys and girls with questions of sexual hygiene. He must take care of the health of patients engage in prevention, not just treatment.

When should I go to the doctor?

Usually, people go to the doctors when the disease (any) is already running. This is due to the lack of early or preventive treatment culture. Sometimes a simple problem seems to us to have big consequences. It is better to come, consult and get the result from this; no one will be bad.

If a couple loses sex for various reasons, you should not expect the problem to resolve itself.

There is such a thing as a “point of no return.” If a couple passes this point, the return of sexual life is significantly complicated, “- says the sexologist and urges not to delay a visit to a specialist.

The specialist advises you to listen to your body and emotions.

 Men should consult a urologist if there are:

  •  complaints of urination
  •  pain or discomfort in the lower back, perineum, or genitals
  •  there are changes in the skin of the genitals
  •  changes in the color of urine or semen, especially the appearance of impurities resembling blood or blood
  •  if there is no single weakening of the erection or prolonged lack of sexual desire.

Doctors recommend visiting a urologist once a year when there is nothing to worry about, always after 40-45 years. Counseling is not superfluous before the appearance of a new sexual partner or after an unprotected act.

Women will need the help of a gynecologist if there is discomfort, pain, discharge from the genitals, or the need to go to the toilet often.

However, if you need:

  •  to solve sexual problems of psychogenic nature
  •  return sex drive
  •  establish communication with the partner
  •  overcome myths and stereotypes that hinder sexual harmony
  •  learn about the limits of norm and pathology, about the peculiarities of psychosexual development of the child
  •  learn to respond if a partner has an unusual sexual fantasy and asks to satisfy it
  •  correct the consequences of improper sex education

 Then you should consult a sexologist.

Problems with sex are more likely to occur during disharmonious relationships and chronic stress, especially when a person is still resting, abusing alcohol, smoking, and using drugs.

You should go to a sexologist not only if you want to restore harmony in the relationship but also to become more sexually literate.


Usually, people are ashamed to go to a sexologist. Shame on one’s sexuality is formed from childhood and can result from improper sex education. Someone has this attitude for life. It is normal to go to the dentist to treat teeth, and it is normal to resolve misunderstandings with a partner or individual problems in the sexual sphere.

Sexuality is as healthy a sphere of life as any other. It needs the same attention that we pay to our appearance, the condition of the oral cavity, or the condition of our home. 

And don’t forget to love yourself and your body. And being sexually healthy and aware makes life more fulfilling.



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