

Here at Sick Chirpse we’ve featured a few goalkeeping fails in the past here and here but I feel like it has to be something extra special to make the grade, as goalkeepers make mistakes all the time so usually it isn’t really that funny or a big deal when it happens. Certainly not worth mentioning on Sick Chirpse anyhow.

But then Virgil Vries stepped up to be counted. This has got to be one of the funniest goalkeeping fails I have ever seen. EVER. It just doesn’t make any sense. Like normally you get a goalkeeping fail where a guy goes to kick the ball and misses it, or kicks it straight to an opposition player, or saves the ball but pushes it into the net or something, but this is completely different.Well maybe not completely different. I mean I guess he TRIES to kick it but it’s just the way he tries to kick it. Nobody would ever kick a ball like that.It’s like he’s trying to step over it or something. It’s classic.

Virgil Vries goalkeeping fail happened a couple of weeks ago in South Africa (obviously a high standard of football over there) in a game between Golden Arrows and Amazulu. It’s your typical goalie error, as the defender rolls the ball back to the keeper there isn’t any danger, until he kind of opens his legs and lets the ball roll through them into the goal. Like I said before it doesn’t even make any sense. What the hell was Virgil Vries thinking or trying to do? It’s perplexing.

Even Virgil Vries’ coach Muhsin Ertugral wasn’t very sympathetic afterwards predicting that  “That goal is gonna be big on  YouTube as the most disastrous goal!” And it doesn’t seem like he’s that far wrong as it’s had almost one and a half million views already.

Virgil Vries I salute you for making so many people laugh with your idiocy. Maybe I’ll see you at the World Cup in 2014?!

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