Casual Tinder Sex Is Helping Athletes Win Away Games



Historically, home advantage in any kind of sporting event is a huge bonus for the team enjoying it and will generally make them the favourite to win the game. There are many reasons for this – from the fans, to the unfamiliar environment and journey time – but one unexpected factor seems to be making its way into the NBA this season and decimating the myth of home advantage.

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Back in 1987, home teams used to win 69.7% of the time and this season it’s at a historic low of 57.3% all thanks to everyone’s favourite dating app Tinder. Tinder is a way of life for many people now, but it’s literally turning the NBA on its head, as Tom Haberstroh of explains:

Tin-der-i-za-tion. Like the dating app. No need to go to the clubs all night anymore.

It’s absolutely true that you get at least two hours more sleep getting laid on the road today versus 15 years ago.

No schmoozing. No going out to the club. No having to get something to eat after the club but before the hotel.

Basketball babe

That two hours extra sleep really seems to help huh? To be honest I’m kinda surprised that elite athletes were ever going out to clubs, getting wasted and picking up babes the day before they had a game, but I guess they’re ballers on the court and ballers off it. Players play baby.

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Seriously though, you’ve got to think that it’s sweet that these big shot NBA players don’t have to go out and pick up girls or order prostitutes now if they want to get laid thanks to Tinder. Don’t want those guys having to put too much money or effort into doing anything do we?

For more Tinder, check out our weekly round up of Tinder nightmares. Hope those NBA players don’t ever match any of those guys.



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