Unfortunately the photo above isn’t a still from the video below, but what goes down in the video below is some what cooler than any kind of street break dancing dance off.
Foot working is a dance (originating from Chicago, we think) that involves floating around the dance floor on your feet-toes and busting out whatever random moves you feel like doing as long as they look shit hot.
It’s nothing like break dancing really in that break dancing uses the whole of your body and you tend to do more crazy stuff like spin around on your heard. Foot working still looks pretty dope though.
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Now this video is of some high school kids busting out some foot work moves at their school and filming it on their mobile phone’s video camera. The whole thing kicks off and as the noise gets louder the main dancer floats over to one of the classrooms and busts out some pretty tech foot working moves in front of what looks like one of the teachers at his school. The teacher just stands there, obviously worried about what’s going on, not quite sure whether this is just an innocent dance or the start of a riot. The kid continues to dance away from her around the room until he bumps in to another teacher.
Now this teacher has other ideas. Instead of just standing there and being danced the fvck down by the kid, he steps up and busts out the only thing he knows: THE RIVER DANCE. Check it:
[yframe url=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDh8m9c9WhE’]