America looks like it’s on the brink of a race war this week after cops killed two completely innocent black men for no reason and then snipers claimed the lives of four cops yesterday in Dallas.
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Whilst many of us might think that this doesn’t really affect us and isn’t an issue we need to concern ourselves with as it’s happening across the other side of the pond, Stormzy has spoken up about it and encouraged his followers to get involved and do something to try and affect it in a lengthy Instagram post:
Fair play to the guy, he’s completely right. This is an issue that affects everyone in the world, and the more people that attempt to do something about it, the better. By using his position of fame to draw attention to this, Stormzy is performing a very important service and it’s not something that enough people of his status actively take part in. Nice one man.
Now what was that about him running for Prime Minister again?