Whenever you think of gingers, you normally think of someone who is almost a different race and has definitely been mocked and bullied about their hair colour throughout their years – the phrase ‘ginger twat/cunt’ definitely comes to mind – but it looks like the tide might finally be shifting for them if these latest stats are to be believed.
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According to Distractify, the ‘hot new look’ is to have red hair and this is so in right now that sperm banks are constantly receiving requests for it and have had to put out an AFB for red haired sperm donors. They don’t actually back this up with any stats or information or even a quote from someone in a position of power so I’m not really sure if it’s actually true, but hey if it is then more power to my ginger brothers out there. It’s about time something went your way.
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The article goes on to suggest that demand may have increased due to the popularity of celebrities like Ed Sheehan, Prince Harry, Amy Adams, Emma Stone and Isla Fisher, but that’s about it really. Probably less substance than most of the articles that are posted up here on Sick Chirpse.
Anyway I can see it possibly being true and hope that it is but unfortunately have no clear evidence for it. Fingers crossed for them though.
For more of the same, check out this study that says redheads re actually dumber than blondes. Don’t head to the sperm bank just yet.