Sick Chirpse Reader Confessions #134



The best way to clear your conscience before the weekend is to admit what you did via our anonymous Sick Chirpse confessions box (also located under this post) – every week we’ll be posting our favourite ones.

Here are the best from this week:

[no name]

I work in a kitchen with one other chef. We got through a fucking manic December by railing lines throughout the shifts. Continue to do so every day, even though it’s a damn sight quieter, and have no intention of stopping now. We’ve spent well in excess of a grand on packet this month & some of our customers are cottoning on to our habits and buying off us. Our owner/boss is none the wiser and keeps saying how great a job we’ve been doing. Her husband is old bill. Being a chef is fucking awesome.







Trying to forget the moment when my barber asked “are you having fun?” and I said “yes” but he was talking to his daughter who was filling in a colouring book.


Well done guys and gals – you’ve done us proud. Well, maybe not proud. But thanks for submitting and if your confession didn’t feature, don’t sweat it – just submit a better one next time.

Get involved and submit your confession(s) directly below this post – see you next week. (Scroll all the way down).



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