The Russian synthol freak who was nicknamed ‘Popeye’ after injecting his arms with oil to give himself comically huge biceps has finally conceded that maybe it wasn’t such a good idea after all.
Kirill Tereshin, 26, injected three litres of petroleum jelly into his arms, which not only made him look completely ridiculous but also blocked blood flow to his arms and killed some of his tissue. In the end, surgeons had to remove 3lbs of rotted muscle in his arms otherwise he risked death or having both arms amputated.
Here’s what they removed – gross:
That’s just one of the surgeries, btw. Over the years he’s had to go through several procedures to extract all the jelly and dead tissue from his arms, and now Kirill had admitted this whole ordeal has been a ‘nightmare’ and that he ‘did not think about the consequences’ of injecting several litres of petroleum jelly into his arms.
Kirill says:
I want to get rid of these arms.
But unfortunately, there’s no fixing it anymore. Since I’m 26 years old, and I’ll be 27 this year, and my body has already grown to its age.
Kirill confessed his motivation for getting bigger arms was to attract ‘beautiful’ women, as it was ‘impossible for an ordinary guy to date such girls’. He also spent $15,000 on synthol injection for his face, which he also regrets because he ended up looking like this:
Kirill has been sharing videos on social media explaining how his obsession with artificially inflating his arms began:
First of all I began to inject vegetable oil, I boiled it in a saucepan and then injected five millilitres every day.
But I began to understand that oil was leaving the muscle after two weeks. As a result I came to Vaseline oil, as a result in half a year I made huge gains for myself.
Jesus Christ, buddy. Ever heard of a gym membership? Kirill also seemed to think that having ridiculously big biceps would turn him into a tough guy overnight. Instead he got spanked in his first MMA fight and also had his head slapped off in the Russian slap championships. See for yourself:
Somehow I don’t think the arms helped with his combat sport record or his attempts at wooing beautiful women. But then anyone with a brain could’ve predicted that before he risked his life and limbs for instant gains.
If you’re looking to get in shape, why not follow Brad Pitt’s workout routine that got him so ripped for ‘Fight Club’. Better than going through what Kirill did.