The Queue To See The Queen’s Coffin Is Now Two And A Half Miles Long – And Growing



The Queen has been dead for almost a week now and I don’t think I’m alone in saying that I’m kinda surprised just how many people seem to be absolutely devastated by her passing.

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I think it’s fine for places to close as a mark of respect and no adverts to be shown on TV or whatever, but some of the stuff that’s going on is insane. Center Parcs saying they were going to kick guests out on Monday for her funeral was the start, but the fact that people are literally willing to queue for something like 30 hours without any food to see a box that her dead body is allegedly residing in is another level entirely.

At the time of writing, the queue is currently two and a half hours long and you’re not allowed to take a sleeping bag or camping gear and can’t leave unless you’re going to the toilet or getting a drink. You just have to stand there shuffling along for a day or so until you finally get to shuffle past a box and pay your respects for about 30 seconds. Who in their right mind wants to spend their time doing that?

Just to put things into perspective, here’s a live tracker of how long The Queue is, a video of The Queue from yesterday which really drives home just how long and ridiculous it is, and some guy on Twitter writing a thread explaining how insane the whole situation is way better than I ever could:

Wow. Good luck to all those queueing even though I can’t understand it myself. Hope it makes you happy and can’t wait to see the viral ‘banter’ moments that we’re sure to see after people inevitably start to go crazy after waiting in a queue for hours and hours. Fingers crossed the weather stays OK for them too.

For more of the same, check out King Charles having some banter with a fan asking him to go for a pint.



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