Porn Scandal At University Of Western England



The University of Western England in Bristol was used for a very different higher education recently – if you know what I mean – and they’re not happy about it at all.

Scenes for a porno that was hosted on a Bristol based website were filmed all over its Frenchay campus, with several sex acts being performed right out in the open whilst students and lecturers were going about their day to day routines. The porno has a particularly awesome name that really tells you it’s going to be a really low grade porno which makes the whole thing even more perfect. I mean would you watch a movie entitled ‘Johnny Rockard at University of West of England in Bristol Student pick up and public sex with horny Xzena’. Who are you kidding, of course you would?

It’s 23 minutes long and features Johnny Rockard walking around the UWE campus, saying that he’s looking for a girl who wants to earn some money and have some fun. Great. He then runs into the character called Xzena who seems to fit the criteria and says she’s a third year psychology student. Sure. Pretty soon after she’s blowing him by the gates of the campus and then on the bus into Bristol, where she bangs him on some stairs leading to a flyover on Nelson Street. Wherever that is.

Apparently neither of the people in the video are actual students at the university and it was shot during the summer holidays, but nevertheless university officials are appalled that this kind of behaviour took place on campus. The vice chancellor of the university Steve West had this to say:

‘I am appalled that the university should be subject to such behaviour from someone with no connection to the university, resulting in a false and misleading representation of the university.We have worked with the Students’ Union, staff, our on-campus security, have involved the police to investigate and have taken legal action.’ Or in other words AWAH.

Johnny Rockard himself is being a bit of a badass about the whole situation, and generally being fully co-operative about it all, offering the address of his business and full access to anything the police have requested. He said that he had broken no laws in filming the video and that the woman in it had been paid a large sum for her performance: ‘It is a public space.If I was in their buildings they could take issue but it is public land, so I have not breached any law’. Sounds like a smart cookie.

The police are investigating though and it will be interesting to see how they come down on the matter. On the one hand it is kind of gross but anyone with a brain that can read longer than a headline can realise that it isn’t actually anything to do with the university and was just some porn star being a jerk and coming up with a good idea for a porn movie. There’s no need for the university to be so butthurt about it and call the police, right? I guess we’ll see what happens.

 Ã¢Ëœâ€º More Porn: Sick Chirpse Interviews A Porn Star 



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