PETA Protestors BBQ ‘A Baby’ To Encourage Australians To Eat Less Meat



It’s been a while since I’ve written about vegan protesters doing something completely ridiculous to try and bring attention to their (somewhat worthwhile) cause, but thankfully they’re back with a bang today BBQing a toy baby to try and get their point across.

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PETA protesters decided to congregate right underneath the ‘Surfer’s Paradise’ sign in the Gold Coast, Australia and perform a presentation where a chef grilled up a plastic baby on his BBQ, alongside the slogan ‘Babies Don’t Belong on the BBQ. Leave Lambs Alone!” Edgy.

PETA spokesperson Angela Banovic said the following about it: 

We realise that the presentation is graphic and realistic, but the fact is that lambs and human infants have the same capacity to feel pain and suffering.

To be honest, anyone repulsed by the prospect of chowing down on a human infant should make the connection that eating a baby sheep is equally as appalling.

When people make the connection between humans and animals the transition to veganism will make sense.

We had one family that came over to speak to us, and the little boy was drinking a McDonald’s drink.

He was just saying that’s a baby (on the barbecue), and lambs are baby sheep.

(His family) even decided that they were going to eat vegan one day a week.

I guess it really does work then? Problem is that people who hate vegans are just going to moan and rant about them using graphic imagery and being annoying and it’ll reinforce a divide that’s already pretty impossible to bridge anyway. The fact that it does seem to have some effect probably means that they’ll keep doing it though, so expect even more stupid stunts in the future. I guess you can’t win them all so might as well try stuff that has some degree of success.

For more of the same, check out this vegan protester getting wedgied into oblivion by an angry farmer. You shouldn’t laugh but it really is quite funny.



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