The birth of a child is both a joyous occasion and one of immense worry for the parents, as there are so many complications that could occur that can affect the birth – one complication I didn’t ever think I would ever see though is a baby come out of the womb looking like an 80-year-old man.
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The baby was born in the district of Magura in Bangladesh on Sunday and is the victim of a rare aging condition called progeria. This occurs when there is a single mistake in a baby’s gene which causes it to create an abnormal protein called progerin. When cells use this protein, they break down quicker than usual, causing them to age faster.
Most babies born with the condition are born healthily and don’t show any symptoms for up to a year, but for some reason this one was affected by it whilst it was in the womb. As such, it was born with a load of wrinkles and hair, hollow eyes and textured skin, essentially looking like an 80-year-old man.
Despite the baby’s condition though – and the fact that most children born with progeria don’t live past the age of 13 – his parents are still absolutely stoked on the birth, with his father Biswajit Patro saying the following:
We can only thank God. There is no need to be unhappy about the appearance of my son. We will accept him the way he is. We are so happy to have a baby boy in the house.
We have been getting a lot of visitors. Relatives, neighbours and even people from neighbouring villages have come to see our son. We are happy to host them all.
We are already blessed to have to have a daughter. Now we are a family of four. What else can we ask for? We can only hope that he grows up to be a healthy boy.
What an absolute chiller. I hate to say it but I could imagine people in the Western world totally screwing if something like this happened to them, but Biswajit isn’t letting it phase him and seeing it as a blessing anyway. We could all learn a lot from him.
For more abnormal births, check out this baby born with a heart outside of its body. Awful.