Microplastics Found In 100% Of Male Testicles In Recent Study



‘Microplastics’ has been a bit of a buzz word in the health world recently. It’s a pretty self-explanatory term, but here’s how Google explains it:

Microplastics are fragments of any type of plastic less than 5 mm in length, according to the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the European Chemicals Agency.

As far as the medical community is concerned, everyone seems to be in agreement that microplastics are very BAD for you:

Microplastics can act as a medium for environmental toxic substances such as bisphenol A, which are absorbed into the body and cause various diseases of the endocrine system and reproductive system. In a recent study, microplastics were also found in the placentas of six pregnant women by Raman microspectroscopy.

And now it looks as though microplastics can be found in 100% of human testicles, or at least for the 23 men examined in a recent study:

I’m not sure why they used a sample of only 23 men for the study, but the fact that microplastics were found in ALL their testicles is not good news at all. They also tested 47 dog testicles and found microplastics in every single one of them too.

Of the 12 different types of microplastic found in the testicles of these men/dogs, the most prevalent was a polymer material, polyethylene, used in plastic bags and bottles.

The study’s lead author Dr. Xiaozhong John Yu said:

‘We don’t want to scare people. We want to scientifically provide the data and make people aware.’

‘There are a lot of microplastics. We can make our own choices to better avoid exposures, change our lifestyle and change our behavior.’

Microplastics enter our bodies via plastic packaging, food, tap water and even the air the breathe, so I’m not sure how Dr. Yu suggests we avoid them entirely. We’ve filled the planet with so much plastic that it’s now literally up to our balls and there’s nothing we can do about it. Maybe we should dust off the old masks again or something?

Data has shown that sperm counts have decreased by 59 percent in the past few decades, and microplastics are one of the main culprits along with mobile phones to vape pens.

Imagine, what ends up killing us off as a species isn’t a meteor, famine, nuclear winter, virus, AI uprising, alien invasion, or anything else of that nature, but rather we all go sterile from microplastics. A very sad state of affairs indeed.

For the new study that suggests every hot dog you eat takes 35 minutes off your life, click HERE. Well that’s just great.



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