Marks And Spencers Are Releasing New Chili And Cheese Hot Cross Buns



I’ll be honest, I know that hot cross buns are an Easter tradition, but I’ve never really been too much of a fan of them myself – but these new chili and cheese hot cross buns from Marks and Spencers look like they could be a game changer in that respect.

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Marks and Spencer are clearly embracing the current trend of combining certain popular foods with other popular foods to come up with some kind of hybrid monster that could go either way with this offering, but I’m inclined to think that chili and cheese could be what a hot cross bun needs to take it to the next level. Take a look and see what you think:

Yeah, looking at it more I’m not really sure how I feel about it. Like I said, I’m no great fan of hot cross buns but I feel like they can only really be classified as hot cross buns if they’ve got dried fruit and currants in them – I don’t really think that just whacking an X on the top of them really does it for me?

Reckon a cheese and chili bun or crumpet or whatever would be banging though, as would the other flavours M & S have arriving this Easter: salted caramel and chocolate, blueberry and Kentish bramley apple and orange marmalade. OK maybe not the apple and marmalade one, that doesn’t sound that great, but the others can definitely do a job. Maybe tradition is dead and this is the future?

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