Liver King Says That He’s Going 100% Natural After Steroid Abuse Reveal



I don’t really think that there’s too many ways that Liver King can come back from the recent revelation that he’s been using steroids the whole time he’s been promoting an all natural eating raw meat lifestyle, but he’s damn well going to try.

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Liver King seems to be doing as much damage control as possible at the moment, appearing anywhere and everywhere to fess up about what he did and reveal his plans for the future i.e. that he’s gong to go completely natural from now on. The guy even has the gall to describe getting found out as ‘a massive opportunity’ for him now, almost as if he’s happy that this has happened. I’m not so sure.

Anyway, this is what happened when he spoke on the FLAGRANT podcast over the weekend:

I believe so deeply in this message, in the nine ancestral tenets and the ancestral living, the answer to your question is yes.

This is my time to just f***ing do it all, to say it all.

I get this one opportunity to just be completely f***ing honest about everything – I’m gonna do this thing.

I f***ed this whole thing up, I have learned from this, the thing I have learned is I’m not doing this again.

Now I’ve got this responsibility, this obligation.

There are so many silver linings to this – do you know how much better this is going to be for my health?

Yeah that’s a great message from Liver King sure, but it’s kind of undermined by the fact that he clearly didn’t believe in the nine ancestral tenets that much because he was forced to do $12,000 worth of steroids every month just to give the impression that they actually worked. This also might be better for his physical health, but I can see Liver King’s mental health fall off a cliff in the next few months as he struggles to maintain the look that he’s cultivated through years of steroid abuse and desperately cling onto his viral fame.

Can’t say he doesn’t really deserve that for lying to everyone, but let’s hope he doesn’t end up mentally incapacitated or suicidal or anything. You could see it happening.

For more of the same, check out when Liver King was so boring even his kids couldn’t stand to be around him. Not a good guy.



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