Live-Streamer Gets A Kind Couple To Buy Him Food And Then Threatens To Bash Their Brains Out (VIDEO)



I know we all did stupid sh*t when we were younger but Gen Z really takes the cake, for example this fool named Trevon Sellers who convinced a couple to buy him food, and then thanked them by threatening to bash their heads in with a rock.

Watch below:

I know this sort of thing is done for views but this kid is a complete scumbag, plain and simple. Completely ruined that innocent couple’s lunch date for some social media clout. Just so uncool on so many levels.

Apparently this Trevon Sellers pr*ck has been at it for a while, too. There’s a video of him stomping a baby rabbit to death after wounding it with a pellet gun. Another video of him handing out condoms in a baby store. And another one where he destroys a Girl Scout cookie stand.

Here’s another video of him threatening to torture a kitten in front of an animal adoption worker:

This guy makes Mizzy look like Dom Joly ffs. Hopefully he pulls his next prack on the wrong person and gets taught a lesson he’ll never forget.



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