Johnny Depp Makes Young Dying Fan’s Wish Come True With Jack Sparrow Video Call



Johnny Depp has kinda laid low on the comeback trail recently but he couldn’t resist the chance to make a young dying 11 year old fan’s dreams come true by video calling him in character as Captain Jack Sparrow.

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Kori was sadly born with hypoplastic left heart syndrome which affects the regular blood flow to his heart and has already undergone two heart transplants with his body unfortunately rejecting both of the new organs. The second transplant was especially traumatic for him as he had to learn to walk and talk again afterwards and he’s now decided that he doesn’t ever want to go through anything like that again despite the consequences.

He’s since been placed under palliative care and the Make A Wish Foundation organised a video message from Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow for him and then the actor even FaceTimed him on his own phone afterwards. You can see both of those videos below:

Captain Kori… I understand you’re quite the YouYube channel man, or you shall be and all that YouTubeness.

So what I’m saying is I shall be glad to follow your YouTube channel and I shall tell all my friends to follow your YouTube channel.

And that, I think, will make for a wonderful entertainment… momentary lapse of togetherness.

I shall be there, watching moments with you… tubing-you YouTubing.

I wish you the best of luck, I’m your number one fan Captain Kori, all respect and love mate.

That’s pretty heartwarming stuff isn’t it, even if it’s also almost unbearably sad as well. Fair play to Johnny Depp for taking time out of his day to make this little kid’s life before he passes away. Whatever you think of him you can’t deny that’s a pretty awesome move.

For more of the same, check out Johnny Depp directing a new movie with Al Pacino involved as well. What’s that all about?



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