Fairy Wish Prince



Fairy Wish Prince

Our boring, slow, depressed Monday afternoon just perked the fvck up after stumbling across this gem of a video…

Random fucked up cartoons will always have a special place in my heart. I remember watching some really fucked up cartoons/animation when I was in year 9 computing class, one involved Jamie Theakston rubbing his ‘purple helmet’ while traveling to far away lands. I can’t remember what it was called but it was on a website which featured loads of really random weird fucked up flash movies, if anyone remembers that one then please let me know as I’d love to watch it again and see if I still find it funny 10 years later.

☛ Read Next: WTF Black & White Photos

Now this animation is pretty much on the same level as Jamie Theakson rubbing his purple helmet. It makes no sense what so ever. I don’t know why it’s been made or why it’s so good, but I really enjoyed it and would love to watch more. The video’s called the ‘Fairy Wish Prince’ and features some genie type prince dude with big juicy tits who makes kids touch his ass before he grants them wishes, but doesn’t seem to be able to carry out the kid’s wishes because ‘nigger you’re crazy I can’t afford an Xbox’. Yeah, WTF? Check it out and let us know if you know what the fvck’s going on, because we sure don’t:

[yframe url=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7l4ooX0ZZlk’]



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