Elon Musk’s Stalker Claims That Elon Musk Is Actually Stalking Him



You can’t really go even a couple of hours without hearing what the world’s most unpopular man Elon Musk is getting up to at the minute, so I’m sure we’re all aware of the video he posted last week of the guy he claimed was stalking him. 

Images VIA

Whilst we all saw that, I doubt any of us could have predicted that the man in question would turn the accusations around and claim that Elon Musk was stalking him. The Washington Post managed to identify him as Brandon Collado and contacted him to confirm that he was the man in Musk’s videos.

Collado then went on to make some bizarre claims about what was going on between him and Elon:

In his conversations with The Post, Collado acknowledged he has an interest in Musk and the mother of two of Musk’s children, the musician known as Grimes, whose real name is Claire Elise Boucher. Boucher lives in a house near the gas station.

In his communications with The Post, Collado, who said he was a driver for Uber Eats, also made several bizarre and unsupported claims, including that he believed Boucher was sending him coded messages through her Instagram posts; that Musk was monitoring his real-time location; and that Musk could control Uber Eats to block him from receiving delivery orders. He said he was in Boucher’s neighborhood to work for Uber Eats.

OK so this guy is definitely a whackjob, I don’t think there’s any other way to approach the situation after everything he’s said there. Not really one to side with Elon Musk about anything, but I’m not Jeremy Clarkson so I hope the guy doesn’t end up dead because of this weirdo. Get him off the streets ASAP and get him in the psyche ward. Clearly not cut out for reality in his current state.

For more of the same, check out Elon Musk’s recent Twitter poll over whether he should stay in charge of the company. It didn’t go well for the guy.



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