A Doctor Has Diagnosed Amber Heard With Two Personality Disorders



The Johnny Depp/Amber Heard trial continues to rage on, with Johnny Depp definitely coming across as the more sympathetic of the two so far – mainly due to a fact that he’s the only one to have taken the stand so far and Heard’s lawyers appear to be somewhat incompetent – and this statement from a psychologist isn’t looking like it’s going to be doing Amber Heard any favours either.

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Dr. Shannon Curry took the stand yesterday (April 26th) to talk about the psychological assessment that she conducted on Heard back in December 2021. To determine the results, she spent 12 hours with her as well as reviewing case documents, medical records, mental health treatments and audio and video records.

Here’s what she had to say:

My evaluation supported two diagnoses – borderline personality disorder and histrionic personality disorder.

Heard externalises blame can be self-righteous,  judgemental and has a lot of anger issues. Those with borderline personality disorder exhibit a desperate fear of abandonment.

When somebody is afraid of being abandoned, by their partner or by anybody else in their environment and they have this disorder, they’ll make desperate attacks to prevent that from happening. And those desperate attempts could be physical aggression, it could be threatening, it could be harming themselves, but these are behaviours that are very extreme and very concerning to the people around them.

Over time, the anger, the explosive anger, that they show when somebody is needing space, or when somebody is really not doing anything wrong, because a lot of times they read into things that they perceive as being a slight to them or being somebody intending to harm them that actually isn’t happening. They’ll exaggerate it, and they’ll explode. They’ll react in this heightened manner that is just exhausting for their partners.

One of the most common tactics used by someone diagnosed with borderline personality disorder to prevent a partner from leaving can be actually physically assaulting and then getting harmed themselves.

Essentially this is saying that they’ll make threats using the legal system. So they might say that they are going to file a restraining order or claim abuse, or they might do these things to essentially try to keep their partner from leaving in the moment.

Borderline and histrionic personality disorder can appear as two sides of the same coin with the latter involving a need to be the centre of attention, because if you don’t have that attention on you, it feels similar to borderline personality disorder: You feel pretty empty – like you don’t have that sense of being or value.

Not really sure what to make of that or why Depp’s lawyers are highlighting it. Sure, it does make it sound like it was a nightmare for him having to deal with Heard all the time, but also makes it seem a bit more sympathetic towards her if it’s actually a mental health problem that maybe she can’t really help?

Probably going to go with the first one though because the way it’s going it doesn’t seem like anyone is pro Amber Heard as she’s been roundly condemned by almost everyone on the internet at this point. Guess it remains to be seen as to whether the judge and jury think that though too. Sure there’s a lot more to come as well.

For more of the same, check out everything that’s been going on in the trial so far. So many strange moments.



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