Wild Leaked Footage Of The Raid On Diddy’s Home Shows His Son Being Held At Gunpoint



Leaked footage of Homeland Security raiding Diddy’s home in Los Angeles has found its way online, and it looks like a full-blown military operation involving multiple armored vehicles, drones, and an army of agents with big weapons which they used to hold Diddy’s son Justin at gunpoint.

Seriously, they stormed the place like they were looking for Osama bin Laden or something:

Mental. Makes you realise just how serious the allegations against Diddy are and just how much trouble he could potentially be in. Although I do find it a bit weird that they went in like they were expecting a gun fight. Do you really need all those armed agents involved in a raid on Diddy’s LA home? Could be that once word went around the office that they were hitting Diddy’s $40 million mansion, a load of people volunteered to come along for the fun of it. Or maybe they just wanted to make a big spectacle out of it all to show how serious the situation is.

Naturally, one of Diddy’s baby mamas (Justin’s mum) is not happy about how it went down:

The overzealous and overtly militarized force used against my son and his brother Christian — who I consider a second son — is deplorable.”

“Those agents knew Puff wasn’t in the home. Did Justin need several laser beam gun sights pointed at his chest??? Did Christian need a high-powered assault rifle pointed at the back of his head from inches away while he was handcuffed???”

Don’t get me wrong, obviously I’m not on Diddy’s side here, but she’s right; it did seem a bit much. But if I were her I’d probably be more annoyed at Diddy than the feds, given all the things he’s accused of and how he’s gotten them into this mess in the first place.

Still, it’s pretty funny to think Justin & Christian were playing PS5 or something when these agents burst in with their guns and their drones and started ransacking the place. Meanwhile, dad Diddy is on a private jet getting the hell out of LA.

They really turned his house inside out too – get a load of the footage below:

Time will tell whether Diddy is going to be the fall guy for people much richer and more powerful than him, or whether he himself is rich and powerful enough to avoid any charges sticking. My guess is the latter.

For the rumours that Diddy sexually abused Justin Bieber when he was just 15, click HERE.



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