Britney Spears Posts Fully Nude Video On Instagram As Mental Health Concerns Grow



Britney Spears has been overdosing on freedom ever since her dad’s weird conservatorship was lifted a few years back, which has mostly involved embracing her inner nudist on Instagram and occasionally going on strange rants about her family.

Recently, many people have begun to wonder whether there was a good reason that conservatorship existed in the first place. Here’s what Britney shared onto Instagram the other day alongside the caption ‘Hello to my @ss’:


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Um, hello indeed!

Now obviously there isn’t necessarily anything wrong with people showing their bums on Instagram – it’s been all the rage for several years now. But then, Britney hasn’t exactly been the poster child for mental wellness recently. It doesn’t seem like she does much else other than thirst-trap on Instagram these days; which again, isn’t definitively a symptom of mental illness, but given the overall pattern of her behaviour over the years is probably a cause for concern.

The question is – what can be done about it? After all that drama over her conservatorship and the #FreeBritney protests that led to it being lifted, it seems like a bit of a ball-ache to just put her back under it again. I guess the world is just going to have to let Britney fly her freak flag until she figures something out…

For the time Britney celebrated her most recent divorce by having a bunch of shirtless men over her house to lick her legs, click HERE. Does this girl know how to have a good time or what?



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