Bonding From Afar: 7 Recreational Activities For Long-Distance Friendships



Long-distance friendships can be challenging, but with the help of technology, it’s easier than ever to stay connected and have fun together. Whether you’re separated by distance due to work, school or other commitments, there are plenty of recreational activities you can enjoy together to strengthen your bond. Here are seven ideas to try:

Online Casino Games (Multiplayer Options)


Who says you can’t have a little friendly competition from afar? Whether you and your special friend live in separate towns from one another, or you are as far apart as the UK and New Zealand, online casino games offer a fun and interactive way to play together. Many platforms have multiplayer options, allowing you to join virtual poker tournaments, spin the roulette wheel or try your luck at blackjack. To save money, many online casinos also offer bonuses and promotions so you can optimise the fun and your enjoyment together without breaking the bank. Always remember the bonuses and promotions can be country-specific so those offered in the UK might be different to BonusFinder New Zealand for example.

Use Netflix Party To Watch A Movie Together In Real Time


Movie nights don’t have to be limited to physical proximity. With the Netflix Party extension, you can synchronize your movie-watching experience with your long-distance friend. This browser extension allows you to watch the same movie or TV show simultaneously and includes a chat feature to share your thoughts and reactions in real-time.

Cook The Same Recipe


Food has a way of bringing people together, even from a distance. Choose a recipe that you both want to try and set a date to cook it together. You can video call each other and follow the recipe step by step, sharing tips and tricks along the way. Once you’re done, sit down and enjoy your meal “together” while catching up on each other’s lives.

Review A Book Together


If you and your long-distance friend share a love for reading, why not choose a book in a genre that matches both of your preferences and read it together? Set a reading schedule and discuss your thoughts and opinions as you progress through the book. This activity not only allows you to bond over a shared interest but also provides an opportunity for deep conversations and insights.

Play Interrogation-Style Games Such As 20 Questions


Video calls don’t always flow as naturally as conversations in real life. That’s why incorporating question-focused games such as 20 Questions can help keep the conversation going. You can find plenty of question prompts available online for a range of age groups and kinds of relationships. Take turns asking each other questions and see how well you know each other. You might be surprised by what you learn!

Tune In To The Same Football Game


If you and your long-distance friend are sports enthusiasts, watching a game together can be a great way to bond. Choose a football game that you’re both interested in and synchronize your viewing. You can chat or video call during the game to share your excitement, frustrations, and predictions. It’s almost like being in the same room, cheering for your favorite team together.

Send Each Other A Handwritten Letter Or Surprise Gift Box


In this digital age, receiving a handwritten letter or surprise gift box can be a delightful and meaningful gesture. Take the time to write a heartfelt letter to your long-distance friend, expressing your appreciation and love. Alternatively, you can put together a surprise gift box filled with items that remind you of each other or represent your friendship. The anticipation and joy of receiving something tangible can strengthen your bond.

Long-distance friendships may have their challenges, but with a little creativity and effort, you can maintain a strong connection and have fun together. Try out these recreational activities and discover new ways to bond from afar. Distance may separate you physically, but it doesn’t have to diminish the strength of your friendship.



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